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Bethany Smucker
8 min read
What Should I Do if My Spouse is Deep in Sin?
Is your spouse struggling with sin that's affecting your marriage and family? How can you love your spouse through it? Read on for more.

Bethany Smucker
5 min read
I’m Sick of Fighting with My Spouse! How Do We STOP?! (Part 2)
Is there an unresolvable fight you and your spouse keep having? Read on to discover who the real enemy is and how to be united again.

Bethany Smucker
6 min read
I'm Sick of Fighting with My Spouse! How Do We Stop?! (Part 1)
Are you tired of fighting with your spouse? Read part 1 of this 4-part series and move from fighting and disconnected to loving and united.

Bethany Smucker
10 min read
I Want a Divorce (Part 1)
Are you considering divorce for irreconcilable differences? Before taking the next step, ask yourself these six questions.

Bethany Smucker
10 min read
An Action Plan for Christmas (Part 2)
Overwhelmed by the approaching holidays ? Read An Action Plan for Christmas-part 2, and align your "to-do" list with God's priorities.

Bethany Smucker
7 min read
How Do I Stop Resenting My Spouse? (Part 2)
When we don't forgive, we are weighed down by resentment. Surrender the burden of bitterness and find freedom in forgiving your spouse.

Bethany Smucker
9 min read
Happy Wife, Happy Life
Release your family from the prison sentence of Happy Wife, Happy Life. Find freedom in serving Christ together by serving one another.

Bethany Smucker
5 min read
How Do I Stop Resenting My Spouse? (Part 1)
Do you have dreams that remain unfulfilled? Is your spouse standing in the way? Don't let bitterness and resentment derail your marriage.

Bethany Smucker
5 min read
Why Isn't Sex With My Spouse Satisfying?
In this post, identify what barriers stand in the way of a God-honoring, satisfying sex-life with your spouse, and how to tear them down...

Bethany Smucker
6 min read
Let's Talk About Sex
Don't fall for our culture's cheap version of sexual intimacy. Invest in God's masterful design and something amazing is possible. Read on!

Bethany Smucker
7 min read
Finding Freedom in Financial Unity
Do finances add stress to your marriage? Do you and your spouse argue over money spent (or not spent)? Read on for help and hope...

Bethany Smucker
7 min read
3 Steps Toward Reconciliation in Your Marriage
Are You Angry With Your Spouse? Do You Feel Rejected? Take heart. God wants to bring healing and reconciliation to your marriage...

Bethany Smucker
4 min read
Should I be held accountable?
Isolation feels more comfortable than accountability...but only one of those will help you to have a thriving marriage. Click to read...

Bethany Smucker
5 min read
Biblical boundaries lead to an abundant life… and marriage
Setting up boundaries in your marriage isn't what you think. Learn about Biblically healthy boundaries here...

Bethany Smucker
5 min read
Why Am I So Tired?! Identifying the Weight We Carry When We Aren’t Hooked Up With Christ.
How we find the peace, balance and rest we so desperately seek and how it deeply affects our marriage.
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